Tag Archives: ravelry


I should be knitting socks. Christmas is only weeks away and the niece and nephews LOVE their hand knit woolen socks, so really what I am I waiting for?

I have no excuse, except to tell you I’ve been distracted by this simple beauty.

It’s the MultiDirectional Diagonal Scarf (Ravelry Link) knit in Noro Silk Garden #282. I’ve been happily knitting on it all weekend, and with any luck will finish tonight so I can get back to the serious business of Christmas sock knitting.

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For Today

Inspired by Marguerite, with instructions from the Simple Woman’s Daybook

Outside my window the rain is drumming on the windowsill and I can see a neighborhood squirrel eating the last of my neighbor’s Halloween jack o’ lantern. November rain is so dreary. I hate to say it, but I’d almost prefer snow.

I am thinking about what last items I must pick up from the grocery store tomorrow to prepare for Thursday’s dinner.

I am thankful for being so fortunate to live where I do, to have a good job, to have a pantry full of food and even some extra pennies to buy new knitting needles or some glorious yarns. Some days it is easy to forget just how lucky I am.

From the kitchen I can hear the dishwasher running. It is full of serving dishes, platters, and a collection of mismatched wine glasses which I’ve brought out of cupboards and uup from the basement in preparation for Thanksgiving.

I am wearing my workout clothes. They are comfy, but a bit smelly, as I haven’t changed since getting home from the gym a few hours ago. It was nice to finally get back there after missing a week or maybe more. It felt good to get moving again. I could have done without the guy on the treadmill in front of me who insisted on running backwards. Show off.

I am creating a pair of socks for my niece Kathryn. Next on the list is a pair for nephew Steven.

I am going to poke around Ravelry for a few minutes before I head back to the kitchen to continue cleaning and organizing. A friend has asked me to research a pattern for a hooded scarf. I’m wondering if she’s thinking about the one in IK Winter 2008? I especially like the pockets. They look pretty but do you think they are really practical?

I am reading The Big House: A Century in the Life of an American Summer Home by George Howe Colt. I’ve just started, but the introduction has taken me back to idyllic summers spent eating crabs and steamers on the beach at my grandparents little cottage on Buzzards Bay. My family’s summer home was nowhere near as grand as Mr. Colt’s, but the memories of family are just as special.

I am hearing my Blackberry buzzing as I write this post. I am trying to restrain myself. I am on vacation this week and have vowed to do my best to to ignore what’s happening at the office.

Around the house things are a bit of a mess. Holidays always require much cleaning and rearranging. There are dishes and utensils on the kitchen table and a large amount of clutter that needs sorting.

One of my favorite things to do is to visit the Rhode Island Watercolor Society Gallery at nearby Slater Park. Sunday was the first day of the annual “Holiday Little Picture” show. It’s a great way to see local artists’ work and pick up an original painting for very little money. Jeff and I bought two, one is a gift for his grandmother and the other is for us, a little painting of the Boston skyline. Very sweet.

A few plans for the rest of the week – get the house ready for Thanksgiving, get my car inspected before the end of the month, go to the gym at least once more, finish Kathryn’s socks and find an interesting but masculine pattern for Steven.

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Gossamer Stars Scarf

Its complete except for the blocking. Such a fun pattern, just the kind I like – complex enough to keep my entertained, simple enough to knit while watching baseball. While I’m very happy with the finished scarf, I think I would have liked it more in a solid yarn, but I’ll hold off on final thoughts until it’s done blocking and I can actually wear it.

You can learn more about the pattern and the project by finding me on Ravelry.

And speaking of Ravelry, I’ve already queued up my next project – Print O’ The Wave Stole by the lovely Eunny Jang. I really am enjoying knitting lace, and for this next project, I’ll finally use the very pretty Malabrigio Lace Weight I received as a gift last Christmas.

Now I’m off to get ready for a typical American Memorial Day weekend, first a cook-out with some friends, then a baseball game. Through it all, a heartfelt Thank You to all the brave men and woman we honor today. God Bless America.

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Sunday, Perfect Sunday

Sunday is the one day of the week when you can kick back, relax and enjoy the people and things you love the most. Today was a great Sunday.

After a tasty breakfast of french toast at IHOP with Jeff’s parents, we headed home to meet up with some friends who were coming by to take away our old treadmill. As with most treadmills, it sat unused for long stretches of time, cluttering up the guest room and taking up valuable space that could be better devoted to a beloved hobby, in my case knitting. Of course, I could have used it for this, but instead we gave it to people who will actually use it to exercise. Or so they say.
After waving goodbye to the treadmill, I drove a few miles to Slater Mill, where I had the pleasure of meeting some new Ravelry friends in person. What a blast. I saw knitters, spinners, weavers, dyers, felters, quilters, and basketweavers. If you are local, please make time to visit the mill, which will (hopefully) soon be home to a new Fiber Arts Center. I’ll share more details as they arrive.
And then, of course, I headed home to watch the boys complete the sweep. What a perfect Sunday.

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Friday Feast on Sunday

I’ve been a bad blogger, spending on my time on Ravelry lately. But Marguerite inspired me to share a Friday Feast.

Appetizer: What is your favorite type of art?
This is a very difficult question. “Art” is so varied, so my favorites can vary too, depending on my mood and where my head is at any given time. Maybe it’s great film, theatre, literature, poetry, sculpture, fine art paintings, photography, or contemporary art. It all depends.

Soup: When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?
Last week I attended an all-day seminar on Search Engine Marketing and was surprised to arrive at 7:30 and find an actual breakfast with scrambled eggs and bacon and home fries being served, instead of the usual mini -muffins and coffee. My employer paid for it all, so it was free to me.

Salad: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?
I’d give myself a 7.

Main Course: Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?
30 minutes per day?

Dessert: To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?
The highest it is set is 72 F, but only for an hour or so, on the coldest evenings of winter. Overnight it goes down to 55 F and we use lots of blankets. And the dog.

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