Tag Archives: audiobooks

A Perfect Weekend

Friday Night at PPAC to see Spring Awakening. A bit shocking, a bit dark, with spectactular music and energy and a story I can’t let go of.

Saturday at Gore Farm Up early, on a lovely Saturday morning. Wearing shorts, a t-shirts and a PawSox cap. Tote bag in hand – off to explore my very first Sheep Festival. Watched the sheep hearding demonstration. Incredible display of instinct and skill. Walked through the vendors area, more jewelry than fiber, unfortunately. But did see a few notable stalls

Alpacas of Springbrook Farms – softest lace weight. Yum

Yarn4socks.com – some hand-dyed and some shiboui yarns

West Elm Farms – iceland wool and rovings, goats milk and lanolin soaps

Traveling Rhinos – hand dyed and hand spun yarns

Ate lunch at the Boy Scouts tent. A giant cheeseburger with mustard and ketchup, and a soda. All for $4. Delicious and cheap. Who wouldn’t love that?

Wrapping up the day, a stroll to hear the music in the performance tent. A lace demonstration in the mansion. Home to enjoy the sunshine on the patio, knit a bit on the Honeycomb vest, wander through the garden to do a bit of clean up, some time with Stephen King in my head (don’t you just love audio books?!) , a short little nap, delicious dinner, Sox vs Yanks on DVR, and off to bed.

Today will be more knitting, walking through the woods with Max, enjoying the sunshine and our first trip to Fenway this year. Altogether a very lovely weekend.

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A 40-Year Old Virgin No Longer

An iPod virgin that is.

So I’m a little late to the party, but I finally broke down and bought a “nano” and OH MY GOD it is the absolute coolest gadget I have ever owned. Even better than my new needles and my very favorite row counter.

Jeff and I have been agonizing about whether to buy an iPod for over a year–should we, shouldn’t we, can we afford it, will we really use it, how does it work, blah, blah, blah.
Finally, and quite unexpectedly, on Sunday morning he practically pushed me out the front door with a stern look and strict instructions to “go buy an iPod”. Since I always follow his instructions, I headed to the nearest gadget store. And I bought two. Not so good at following instructions after all, eh?

His holds 7,500 (!) songs, while mine holds a mere 250. But, mine has plenty of space for audiobooks and knitting podcasts. So for the past few days I’ve been listening to chick lit while loading the dishwasher, ironing the laundry, and walking on the treadmill. I’ve been spotted bopping up and down the street while walking Max and simultaneously rocking out with my rock and roll boyfriend. Best of all I wear it WHILE I AM KNITTING!! I am now one of the cool kids who listens to the way cool podcast.

So since I’m still so new at this iPod thing, I’m hoping my knitting friends can show me the ropes. Should I knit a cover or buy one off the rack? I’m thinking I want the little plastic cover to protect the screen and the wheel. But a felted cover would be so cool too. What do you think? What are your favorite podcasts, knitting or otherwise? Where can I find cheap audiobooks? And has anyone invented tiny wireless earbuds so I can secretly wear this thing at the office during especially boring staff meetings?

P.S. – Thanks for the comments on my last post/rant on the evils of embedded marketing. I’m still not convinced that its the best approach, but I love the fact that you all stopped by and shared your thoughts. Happy Knitting!

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